Medical Toxicology Subboard Meets

Oct 06, 2022

The MedTox Subboard held its business meeting on September 28. The Subboard approved new guidelines for stimulus quality and discussed the development of MyToxCert as well as possible changes to the Subboard member nomination process. Thank you to the Subboard for their engagement and continued support of Medical Toxicology.

Pictured top, left to right: Carl R. Baum, M.D., Robert G. Hendrickson, M.D., and Christopher O. Hoyte, M.D.
Middle row: Andrew I. Stolbach, M.D., Diane P. Calello, M.D., and Theodore C. Bania, M.D.
Bottom row: Tammi H. Schaeffer, D.O., and Michael I. Greenberg, M.D.


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