ABEM Supports Physicians Practicing Evidence-based Care

Dec 13, 2022

Recent state legislative actions and federal court rulings have left some physicians unsure about whether state medical boards might take action against them for practicing evidence-based care. The American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM) has a policy about the effect of disciplinary actions on a medical license. However, we affirm that ABEM will favorably consider the circumstances of those who practice evidence-based care in the best interests of patients and their families in the event of an adverse action taken by a state medical board resulting from a state law not anchored in that care.

ABEM Statement about Protecting Certification

ABEM certification is an independent credential from a state-issued medical license. In many cases, a disciplinary action by a state medical licensing board will result in decertification. Recent changes in state laws could lead to the interference of the autonomous practice of physicians providing essential emergency care to patients and families. When reviewing state medical board disciplinary actions that are a result of state laws that interfere with the ability of a physician to practice evidence-based medical care, ABEM will favorably consider the circumstances of ABEM-certified physicians who practiced evidence-based care in the best interests of patients and their families.

The action by the Board was made possible by a recent decision by the American Board of Medical Specialties that member boards (such as ABEM) “are not required to revoke Board Certification based solely on the loss of a license that results from a legislative or regulatory ruling that interferes with their commitment to provide care in keeping with the standards of their specialty.”

ABEM supports the value that ABEM-certified physicians bring to leading the care of their patients and communities and support their practice of evidence-based care. 


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For media and news-related inquires, contact the ABEM Communications Team via email, or 517-332-4800. 

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